ScrapYard Armory

A BattleTech weblog


Play By Email with Japan

My Brother happens to make his living overseas in Japan.  Since his laptop broke a few months ago it has been difficult to get a game of Battletech in via MegaMek.  Even when we did play, MegaMek had far too many disconnect issues.

Fast forward and we are itching for a game so we are making the best of our situation and playing the whole thing over email and chat.

We selected a lance on lance battle with a 5,000 BV1 limit, Inner Sphere level 2.

My Forces

  • Axman AXM-1N
  • Shootist ST-8A
  • Hunchback HBK-5M
  • Atlas AS7-D

His Forces

  • King Crab KGC-005
  • Flashman FLS -9C
  • Wyvern WVE 10-N
  • Spider SDR-8M

The battle will take place over rolling hills.

Initial Deployment

Beware the large images.  I will be updating this map as the game progresses so check back for updates.

Turn 1 – I Win Initiative

The Atlas fires off a LRM20 volley at the King Crab but misses badly.  No other fire this turn.

Turn 2 – My Brother Wins Initiative

My Atlas follows up with another volley of missles that find their mark this time around.  The King Crab takes nine missiles across the left side of its body.

Return fire from the Wyvern misses.

Turn 3 – I Win Initiative

All fire is ineffective due to cover provided by trees and partial cover.  Lasers and missile volleys go wide for both squads.

Turn 4 – My Brother Wins Initiative

My Shootist and Hunchback land a couple medium lasers on the Spider but nothing crits.

The Spider in turn hits the Shootist with only one laser.

The Atlas gets hit with an ERPPC, LRM10, an ERLL, an a cluster of 16 LBX shots.  The damage is scattered fairly well.  No major damage concentration yet.  One ends up hitting the head but he pilot stays conscious.

The Atlas shrudges off the damage and gets ready to charge.

Turn 5 – My Brother Wins Initiative

I get the better of this round of combat.  The King Crab is singled out for fire by all of my units.  The King catches no less than two of four AC20 shells needing 9s and 10s to hit.  There are now gaping holes in his armor ripe to be critted in the following turns.

Return fire is concentrated on the Shootist and rips open two sections of armor but no criticals result.

Turn 6 – My Brother Wins Initiative

The Shootist manages to land an AC20 shot onto the King Crabs’ left arm, disintegrating it.  Additional laser fire rips apart the rest of the right torso but does not cause critical damage.

The cluster shot from the King Crab shreds more armor, but the damage is thin and evenly distributed.  By now the Shootist has two pilot hits.

The Flashman and the Atlas/Axman trade fire, shredding more armor but not opening any new holes.

The Wyvern is content to stand and hit from afar thanks to C3i.

Turn 7


The Shootist goes toe to toe with the King Crab hoping to put it down with the help of the Hunchback.  The Atlas and the Axman team up on the Flashman ignoring the pesky Wyvern and Spider.

The plan did not work well.  A AC20 round managed to crit the King Crab’s ammo but with CASE protecting it, it withstood the damage.  It made it’s pilot rolls and conscious rolls.  The return fire cored several holes in the Shootist but missed vital criticals.  The kick however, sheared off the Shootist’s leg entirely.  Now on the ground the Shootist is going to be of limited use.

My Axman set up a nice rear shot and hit with the AC20 and the large pulse and both manage to hit the left arm.  He loses a double heat sink and the shoulder actuator as a result.

After looking at the possible shots, the Atlas torso twists to take out the Spider.  And manages to miss a 5 with the AC20.  The rest however finds the mark, ripping apart an arm and the entire left torso.  The SRM6 takes out a few more jump jets, adds two head hits, and puts the Spider on the ground.  He won’t be going far next turn hopefully.

Turn 8 – I lose Initiative again…


On the ground and lacking an arm, my Shootist eats dirt.  My hunchback has just about everyone behind him, so he takes one shot with an arm mounted laser at the King Crab and hopes he doesn’t become popular.  The Atlas and Axman split fire on the King Crab and the Flashman hitting with both AC20s and doing a lot of damage.  The King Crab takes a gyro hit and goes down.  The pilot takes another point of damage and goes unconscious.  However, without an arm, he is now in the same situation as my Shootist, unable to prop and fire.

The Wyvern fires on the Hunchback, tearing off front armor but not breaking through.  The King Crab and the Flashman concentrate fire on the Atlas, hoping to burn it down.  However, the Flashman is conservative with his heat.  The Atlas takes a boatload of damage but takes it like a champ including an AC20 slug to the leg.  Nothing goes internal.

The Axman kicks the downed King Crab and manages to crit the gyro again, making sure he will absolutely not be getting up again.

Turn 9 – I lose Initiative


The Spider and Axman trade fire ineffectively.  The Hunchback is left to watch the Atlas’ back without a viable target to shoot at.  The Atlas pummels the Flashman including an AC20 to the Left Leg and destroying the Left arm with laser fire.

The Flashman returns fire, overheating in the process, and manages to place an ERLL to the head.  This is the second head hit and it tears off the reamining armor in the location.  My pilot makes his consciousness roll.

Turn 10 – Guess What!  I Lose Initiative!


The Hunchback and the Atlas fires everything they have at the Flashman but manage to miss both AC20s.  Adding insult to injury, that was the last round of ammo the Hunchback had.  A few lasers get inside the Torso armor but no criticals result.

The Axman turns and fires his pulse laser behind him but misses.

Everyone fires on the Atlas and effectively so.  While the Flashman cooled off with only 3 Medium Pulse lasers he made them count.  Both the Wyvern and the Flashman put hits on the Atlas Head, killing the mighty hundred tonner.  Dead as a doornail.

Well that changes things an awful lot.

Turn 11 – I win Initiative (finally)

turn11The Spider runs north away from combat, but my Hunchback (who is now ammo-less) and Axman keep pressure on the Flashman. Interestingly, the Wyvern starts to work his way towards the battle.

Both forces fire at each other with damn near everything they have but do not end up delivering much damage.  The only critical hit this turn is a hand actuator on my Axman.

Turn 12 – I lose Initiative


The Shootist finally stands and takes the beating he deserves.  A few engine hits later and he is sucking dirt with his friend the Crab.

Otherwise a boring turn and the hunt is on…

Turns 13 to the End

My Brother dodges around for a while and we trade shots as I rush forward with my battered Hunchback and Axman.  Finally, he makes a break for it and sends his Spider on a flanking run.  The Hunchback moves to intercept and expects at least a few easy shots.  Astonishingly, it’s medium lasers find fresh armor.  In return, the Spider sends his own medium laser to the head causing the pilot to go unconscious.

Meanwhile, the Axman duels with the lightly armored Wyvern.  The Wyvern manages to find the wholes in the Axman’s armor and knocks out the AC20 it desparately needed.

With one pilot unconcious and the other missing his main weapon, I can do nothing by cede the battlefield to the victor.

After all is said and done, it was a great game.  If the rolls had gone a little differently the end result may have gone in my favor.  A very good game indeed.

So lets recap.  A lance on lance game played over email beginning in September.  Game ends in February.  Hmmm…  We may need a better way to make the turns move a bit quicker.  I plan on investigating some alternatives and reporting back.  Until then, this post is officially complete.  I’m looking forward to the next one already!

Posted under After Action Report

September 13 BattleChat Transcript

At 1PM today the powers that be held an informal battle chat with the initial topic of the newly released source book, The Blake Documents.

For those of you who missed it, the transcript is here.  I apologize but there is a bit in the middle that I missed due to an odd feature of the chat applet I did not expect.  Additionally, I checked out a bit early.  The chat was winding down anyways and I needed to take care of some personal business.

The powers that be are not good about posting transcripts of special chats, so I hope this helps out those who could not make it.

Here are some of the highlights. ***POTENTIAL SPOILER WARNING*** (First three bullets only…)

  • In essence, certain sections of the Blake Documents contain a mix of truths, half-truths, and outright lies.
  • The Wolverine – Word of Blake connection is up to interpretation.  It can honestly go either way.
  • There will “very likely” be a non-prototype Raptor II in the future without the void-signature equipment.
  • The next BattleBlog will be about GenCon and has been submitted.
  • Upcoming products this year include Strategic Operations, Handbook: Periphery States, and some special E-Books.
  • E-Books will be of two types; Small TROs with new units and equipment, and Turning Points – mini Track-based campaigns based on major battles from the Jihad.
  • The first E-Book, a Turning Points taking place on Luthien, is already written and should be available in the next month or so (no promises from Herb on a specific date).
  • The Core Rulebooks will not be completed until 2010.

Lots of good stuff in this chat.  I enjoyed the unscripted format as none of the powers that be knew how to use the moderation feature.  There were not many questions about The Blake Documents, so the chat ended up dissolving into a free for all as you might be able to tell from the highlights.

Looking forward to reading the battle blog when it comes out.

Posted under News

Fat Dragon Games PDF Terrain

A company I have never heard of before, Fat Dragon Games, has released a paper terrain product meant exclusively for the Classic Battletech game.  They even use a CBT miniature in their previews online.  (Kudos to the first comment that identifies the ‘Mech!)

And they expect us to pay $11.99 for it.  The kit includes 8 city buildings, a ‘Mech hanger, a static defense turret, storage tanks, generators, satellite dishes, fire template, and city scape tiles with and without hexes.

I am not sure if they are aware of the wide assortment of card stock terrain templates already available for free courtesy of the CBT community.  See the forum post for more.

If the quality is good enough I am sure there will be a few sales for them in the future.  Honestly I am glad to see third party vendors making products for our little niche of a game.  It is a good sign and positive attention for us.  I’ve bookmarked their site to keep tabs on further releases.

If I were to give them any advice, I would try running with the map tile idea.  Honestly the only competition in that field would be Heavy Metal Map which is not the map making dynamo that I had expected when I purchased it a year ago.

Posted under News, Terrain

Another Project Begins

I am excited.

I’ve been slowly collecting figures since I completed my Free Worlds League Militia.  I wanted to be able to assemble and paint my next unit all at once rather than piece by piece over time.  I wanted to avoid the inconsistencies I fought with before.

So here it is.  Twelve ‘Mechs, four combat vehicles, two aerospace fighters, and an assortment of infantry.

Tonight, the project begins.  I’m interested in seeing how long it takes to finish.  I’ll be trying some new painting techniques along the way.

Posted under Minis

GenCon 2008 Handouts

Catalyst had these two promotional handouts that made the rounds during Gencon.

The first is a simple Jihad teaser that was passed out by Word of Blake representatives Thursday and Friday as a leadup to the big reveal on Saturday. Watch out, these are rather large files.

The second, was available at the CGL booth all convention long. It is a short but sweet mini catalog to get people interested in the game. Great artwork to show off the Battletech world.

Posted under Misc

TGN GenCon Video Lineup

Tabletop Gaming News made several videos with Catalyst Game Labs front and center.  Here are all of the links in one place for easy reference.

Camo Specs First Diorama

Camo Specs Second Diorama

Randall and David Talk About Battletech Releases

Randall and David Talk About Battletech Novels

Randall and David Talk About the Word of Blake Jihad

Battletech received some particular notice and praise in at least two articles.

The BattleTech range continues to expand and the latest set of releases continue to make BattleTech probably the widest game on the market in terms of rules and possible interactions and settings covered by them. Happily the development team continues to follow the “plug and play” mentality that informed earlier rule releases and so gamers don’t need to read and memorize an encyclopedia of rules to use particular technologies or settings in their games.

Second Article. Note that your’s truly provided the fodder for the in article link in the second paragraph!

When I was talking to David at Catalyst Game Labs on Friday he made mention of there being an important product announcement at their booth on Saturday at 10am. I was going there in any case since they were putting up a new BattleTech diorama but sadly I missed the announcement as they made the announcement the previous evening. The announcement was for their new Blake Documents book which provides specifics about the events in the two previous BattleTech Jihad sourcebooks.

This book was a total stealth release. Catalyst didn’t pre-announce it and effectively sprung it on their fans. Kudos really have to be provided to Catalyst for the way in which they provided teasers to gamers at GenCon. At midnight a poster on their forum started posting PDF previews and a figure dressed in Blake robes walked into the BattleTech gaming area in Wasbash 3 tearing pages from the book and screaming about Inner Sphere lies. His bloody robe was later attached to the game cage in the room with a cover of the book attached to it.

It was no surprise that BattleTech fans were lined up at the booth once the show doors opened. I continue to be impressed with the management team at Catalyst but especially with David Stansel-Garner and Randall Bills who have brought a level of professionalism and talent to the BattleTech and Shadowrun lines that fans of these products really deserve.

David and Randall also mentioned a new miniature game they have coming soon that will be a VSF game with giant levitating battleships. I have an interview with them tomorrow and I will be sure to get as much information about it as I can.

Kudos to CGL for putting on an excellent show.  The best part of it all is that everyone who attended and even those that did not were all left wanting more.  GenCon 2009 promises to be an event to remember.  Go ahead and start saving your pennies now.

If you play Battletech there is one place to be in August 2009!

Posted under News

GenCon 2008 Day 3

The Camo Specs diarama was updated.  Here are a few shots.  Once again, I’ll be updating this post in the future after I get back from GenCon.  I would have gotten this up sooner if the hotel internet did not go down again.

New Artwork from the Q and A

More on this later, but I just have to share.

The Battle for Gabriel

The Ruins of Gabriel, a long-sought ‘holy grail’ of Chandrasekhar Kurita, has been located.  Can it be claimed?  Join Chandy’s coalition aerospace forces in assaulting the fabled space yard or the side of the Blakist defenders as they fight desperately to keep the Heretics away!

On Saturday, twelve CBT players put their Battlemechs aside and took control of fighter squadrons, dropships, and warships.

As a special treat, Wierdo and Joel had an advance copy of the Strategic Operations advanced aerospace rules.  There is a lot of great stuff in the new rules.  In particular, fighters get rebalanced and capital ships get a few new options to play with.

Due to a few delays in setting up, the game started late.  The players took extra time at the end of the night but were not able to finish the game completely.  Here are the pictures.

In the end, neither side had enough time to make their objectives.  Each side had achieved one each, the one involving certain units surviving.  The coalition held the egde in total damage delivered with one warship kill and a few dropships.

Altogether a very good game.  It was a pleasure to be able to play the advanced rules well before Strategic Ops sees the light of day.

Posted under News

GenCon 2008 Day 2

This post will be updated mid day with additional pictures, however, I could not resist posting about a few things right away…

Word of Blake Propaganda

During the CBT events on Friday night, some rather peculiar men in robes walked through the hall screaming about the lies of the Inner Sphere and the truth of the Word.  Normally, this would not have made for an unussual happening, especially since we are at GenCon.  However, one of the robed figures was holding a rather curious document in his hand.

I leave you all to speculate. (I assume there will be a proper announcement anyways in an hour or so…)

Posted under News

GenCon 2008 Day 1

Day 1 is in the books.  Due to an internet outage at my hotel, I couldn’t get this post completed until this morning.  Here are a few pics from the first day of gaming.

And now some quick photos from the CSO diaroma.

CBT Open

The first round of the CBT Open was Clan Mechs.  My choice was a Griffin IIC 4 and a Kingfisher H.  I faced off against a Night Gyr Prime and a Fire Falcon H.  The battle started very slowly as both my opponent and I had horrible luck unable to hit any 8s at all.

We took turns trying to bait each other with our lighter ‘Mechs and he was the first to eventually accept the offer.  At the end of that round of combat, his Fire Falcon was barely killed by torso destruction and one additional center torso engine hit.  My light ‘Mech survived.

From there we danced around the board avoiding direct combat until I was able to trap him into a corner and force the issue.  I was initially afraid that the Night Gyr would be able to outpace me for damage, but heat issues prevented him from unleashing all the damage he could.  I lost the Griffin in the same turn I cored out his torso for the win.  Good game.

Something is Coming?

I have a very unsubtantiated rumor that something will be announced today in the Classic Battletech line that may or may not cost around $30.  What could it be?  I’ll keep an eye on the CGL booth today to see if there is anything to this rumor or not.

Posted under News

GenCon 2008 Day Zero

Not much to report on the first day.  The plane ride was adequate.  Registration almost uneventful.  At least I didn’t have any trouble.

My friend who came with me from Jersey had a bit of a hiccup.  GenCon sent his badge in the mail.  At least that is what they say.  He never got anything in the mail and instead of simply printing him out a new copy, they demanded hat he pay for his badge again.

So the friend just said ‘Ok’ and plans to contest the charge.

GenCon worries that people will get multiple badges by ‘losing’ it over and over.  Ok, sure there are probably some people out there who may try this.  However I don’t think that the cost of alienating honest customers is worth catching the tiny minority of people out to play the system.

Anyways, here are a few uninteresting pictures from the day.  Tomorrow should be much more exciting.

Posted under News