Twilight of the Clans: Falcons versus Comstar
Twilight of the Clans: Battle Four
The fourth battle of the Great Refusal takes place near a Mountain Lake. Can the Comstar elite defeat the ferocious Jade Falcons to save the Inner Sphere?
See other battles from the Great Refusal in the After Action Category or by searching for Twilight of the Clans in the sidebar search.
Jade Falcons
Khan Marthe Pryde (Piloting 2, Gunnery 2) Summoner Prime saKhan Samantha Clees (Piloting 2, Gunnery 2) Nova PrimeComstar
Precentor VII Harris Harvison (Piloting 3, Gunnery 2) BL-6-KNT Black Knight Demi-Precentor Julius Havanna (Piloting 4, Gunnery 2) ST-8A ShootistTurn 1 – Comstar Wins Initiative
Both forces rush towards each other forgoing the protection of nearby forests. Khan Marthe challenges
Demi-Precentor Havanna who accepts, thus pitting saKhan Clees in her undersized Nova against Precentor Harvison’s Black Knight.
Luck is not on Comstar’s side early on. All weapons fire directed at the Clan Omnis miss their mark. The Falcons ended up in a slightly better range bracket. Marthe fires and hits with everything in her Summoner, stitching energy beams, missiles, and autocannon shells across the Shootist’s torso. Of six lasers fired, only one hits the Black Knight.
Turn 2 – Comstar Wins Initiative
saKhan Clees triggers her jump jets sending her Nova into a ballistic arc landing inside a dense group of trees. The Black Knight races in close to engage.
Cautiously eyeing the Shootist’s dangerous AC20, the Summoner backpedals to the edge of the battle tempting the Shootist to advance. Demi-Precentor Havanna is happy to oblige and rushes forward, hoping to eventually corner the Falcon and bring the AC20 to bear.
The Nova unleashes another volley of six ER Medium Lasers netting four hits of which three are through armor criticals. Only one critical results, destroying a heat sink. The Summoner fires and hits with everything again ripping through an already damaged torso and critically damaging the Shootist’s gyro.
The Shootist misses with the AC20 but hits with medium lasers; one to the head, injuring Khan Pryde. The Black Knight unleashes a torrent of laser fire at the Nova nestled in the woods. The shots are concentrated and burrow deep into the left torso but no criticals result.
The Shootist falls from the Gyro hit injuring Demi-Precentor Havanna in the process.
Although her Black Knight is armed with a formidable hatchet and the Nova would make a great place to put it right now, Precentor Harvison knows what is at stake and is careful not to break clan tradition knowing that if Comstar is the victor, she cannot give the Jade Falcons any reason to declare the battle invalid.
Turn 3 – Comstar Wins Initiative
The Nova brazenly rushes into the open. The Black Knight follows the Clanner and positions himself for a near point blank fire fight. Meanwhile, the Summoner begins to circle to his left, unable to keep the Shootist at bay any longer.
The Nova senses an opportunity and lets fly all twelve lasers at the Black Knight. Ten hit, causing massive damage. Alas, the only critical hit is a lower leg actuator. The Black Knight returns fire, ripping completely through the left torso and with it six of the Nova’s lasers and four heat sinks. The inrush of heat from the weapons fire forces the Nova to shutdown.
The Summoner fires and yet again hits with everything, slagging away tons of armor but again not finding internal locations. The Shootist finally connects with the AC20, landing square in the center torso. The Summoner shrugs off the damage while Demi-Precentor Havanna fails to keep the Black Knight upright taking another point of damage from the fall but remaining conscious.
Turn 4 – Jade Falcon Wins Initiative
Havanna struggles with the controls of the Shootist managing to stay conscious from another fall. Undeterred, she forces the controls to do her bidding and the 70 ton machine finally cooperates. The Summoner, meanwhile, kicks into a run and puts some distance between her and the AC20 Khan Pryde fears so much.
With the Nova shutdown, and Havanna keeping Khan Pryde busy, Precentor Harvison lines up the killing blow. A point blank alpha strike reply for the shutdown Nova. Amazingly, the damage does not destroy the Clan Omni. A crueler fate is in store for saKhan Clees. The Nova’s right arm is ripped from the shoulder leaving no weapons remaining. When the ‘Omni manages to start up, saKhan Clees will be forced to withdraw from combat, defeated and disgraced.
The excess heat from the barrage released by the Black Knight is more than its own heat sinks can handle resulting in an emergency shutdown.
The Shootist strikes out at the maneuvering Summoner but only manages to hit with one laser at the longer range. Torso twisting back, the Summoner once again hits with her entire arsenal, coring through the Shootist’s center torso.
Turn 5 – Jade Falcon Wins Initiative by Default
Khan Pryde wraps around a grouping of woods for a clear shot at the last Comstar ‘Mech. The Summoner hits with everything a final time, racking up no less than five critical hits in the center torso resulting in two engine hits and three gyro hits.
Precentor Harvison succumbs to the inevitable and cedes the battle to the Jade Falcons.
Posted under After Action Report