ScrapYard Armory

A BattleTech weblog

Archive for the ‘Misc’ Category


GenCon 2008 Handouts

Catalyst had these two promotional handouts that made the rounds during Gencon.

The first is a simple Jihad teaser that was passed out by Word of Blake representatives Thursday and Friday as a leadup to the big reveal on Saturday. Watch out, these are rather large files.

The second, was available at the CGL booth all convention long. It is a short but sweet mini catalog to get people interested in the game. Great artwork to show off the Battletech world.

Posted under Misc

Will Draw Anything, Battletech Edition

I saw this website and just couldn’t resist.

In a nutshell, there is this web artist who will draw anything you want for a paltry $2. It is only a five min or so sketch but I figured, what the hell, why not? Here is my request in all it’s glory.

Posted under Misc