ScrapYard Armory

A BattleTech weblog


Busy Week of News

What a week!  There is lots going on in the Classic Battletech world.  In the event that you missed one, two, or possibly more bits of news, here is a rundown of what’s been going on.

Changes at Iron Wind Metals

Now is your chance to get those soon to be expensive archive figures from IWM.  The list is huge and includes a lot of figures you may not expect to have been at the bottom of the sales list, including protomechs, battle armor, VTOLs, and more than a few good looking ‘Mechs.

  • All IWM orders are now shipping with delivery confirmation.

Honestly, I don’t know why they ever didn’t use confirmation on all orders.  I’ve done a bit of eBay selling in my day, and it is just common sense to list in your auction “Delivery Confirmation Included” just to keep away the riff raff.  Good move for IWM.

New Products from Catalyst

  • Jihad Turning Points New Avalon was released.

You can read my review of Jihad Turning Points: New Avalon.

  • Record Sheets: Project Phoenix Upgrade is released in multiple formats.

As an added surprise from the developers at Catalyst, we now have updated Project Phoenix record sheets using the new Total War format.  Did you know that all Total War style record sheets produced to date have been done by hand?  Can you imagine the Catalyst team hunched over using their PDF editor and putting each and every individual armor bubble in it’s place?  Well, no longer.  In the credits and introduction Randall mentions a new application for record sheet construction.

Also, RS:PPU is being released in a brand new way.  You can buy the entire work for around $10, or buy a faction specific set of record sheets for under $2 (price depends on the faction).

You can get a free preview of the Project Phoenix Upgrade.

Classic Battletech Forums in Danger

You’ve probably noticed the symptoms if you’ve been lurking around.  The double and sometimes triple posts.  The connection errors.  The long lag.  It is official now.  Death Shadow has announced that there is something rotten in Denmark and the forums may have to be wiped if a backup cannot be found and installed.

The latest and greatest is that the forums have been saved for now, but a purge of old posts is coming soon regardless.  Time to back up any old posts you are fond of.

A New Editor Joins the Scrapyard

I am pleased to announce that ScrapYard commenter and friend SaxyWolf has joined the scrapyard as a contributing editor.  It will be SaxyWolf’s job to tidy up the jibberish I sometimes manage to write as well as make contributions in the form of playtesting and post writing.

I’m looking forward to working with SaxyWolf with the site producing more great content and more importantly, playing great games.

Posted under News

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