ScrapYard Armory

A BattleTech weblog


January 10th Battlechat

Somehow, I missed this one completely.  I can’t say how as I frequent the board enough that I should have caught any announcement.  Regardless, the developers have been getting really good about polishing up the transcript and posting it for all.

The transcript for this chat is already available, get it here.

The Rundown

  • Topps has removed Battletech and Shadowrun from negotiations.

Due to the immense value of the Shadowrun and BattleTech properties, Topps has made the decision to withdrawal those properties from the sale.

  • The next release of Jihad Turning Points is New Avalon, followed by Tharkad and then two yet to be determined locations.
  • Maps are coming back into print under the Catalyst aegis.  They will most likely be combined with some sort of additional rules or scenarios.  No mention of the map tiles though.
  • A special 25th Anniversary product is in the works and an announcement should be coming soon.
  • More Historicals source books are in the long term horizon but additional StarterBooks less so.

I’m a bit disapointed in Topps decision.  However, they are most likely looking at things from a business perspective.  The Battletech and Shadowrun properties are far more valuable for them to hold and collect payments from Catalyst and Steam and Tinker.

So, for the time being anyways, status quo.

Posted under News
  1. Adam Easykill Said,

    I dont know about everyone else but i would feel alot happier if Catalyst could fully own CBT

  2. Brian Said,

    You and me both. Sad to see things turn out like this but there are some things you just can’t fight.

  3. Quigs Said,

    I wouldn’t. The current batch has done more then enough to drive the product into the ground. I’m glad they’ve got someone overwatching them to make sure the product doesn’t turn into a complete toilet bowl, if only from a money making perspective alone.

  4. Adam Easykill Said,

    Actually quite true – suppose a bit of pressure can only make them produce better stuff (we hopes :P)