ScrapYard Armory

A BattleTech weblog


Battletech Painting Competition

I have just now sent off two entries into a Battletech specific painting competition.

The original forum post is here.  The submission rules are other specifics are here.

The submission deadline is tomorrow, so if you happen to have a few recently painted miniatures lying around, now is as good a time as any to get some photos.  There are actual prizes to be won in this competition, which is something I am very excited about.  It is a very nice precedence to set, even if the prizes are small compared to other more prestigious competitions.

I actually had four possible submissions.  I picked the minis I felt had the best chance of success.  I hope my choices are the best ones.  Here are the minis that did not make the cut.

Let me know your thoughts.  I’ll post again with the competition results when they are made available.

Posted under Minis
  1. Adam Easykill Said,

    i think you got a good chance with the Daishi :)

  2. Saxywolf Said,

    Those are the two that didn’t get submitted. Definitely post a link to the ones that did when you are allowed.

  3. Brian Said,

    I’m hoping that I do well, but we haven’t heard from the competition organizer in a while now. I hope it didn’t get lost in the mix.

  4. Adam Easykill Said,

    Well i hope you do well dude